• Tourism art zone opens in Tibet 2015-06-26 | From:http://english.cntv.cn/2015/06/25/VIDE1435235525079493.shtml

    A new tourism art zone, and a historical stage drama has just opened in the suburbs of Lhasa, capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region.

  • What are the hotels like in Tibet
    What are the hotels like in Tibet 2010-09-19 | From:

    Tourism in Tibet is in its infancy and the number of 4 Star hotels is quite limited.

  • Does the hotel room have access to internet 2010-09-19 | From:

    Some hotel rooms, not all, in Lhasa have access to internet, so you should inquiry your travel advisor for accurate information before making decision.

  • Tibet Tsampa
    Tibet Tsampa 2012-12-10 | From:

    Tsampa is the staple food of Tibetans and often called as the National food of Tibet.

  • What to buy in Lhasa 2011-05-10 | From:

    Barkhor street in Lhasa is the most famous traditional Tibetan shopping market. Tourist can find lots of odd and fascinating stuff. Small shops and stores on the street sell a variety of items like Buddha figures, prayers flags, fur hats, amulets, conch-shell trumpets.....

  • A unique Tibetan restaurant
    A unique Tibetan restaurant 2015-06-23 | From:

    There are many restaurants in Lhasa capital of southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region. Today, we would like to introduce you one of them, Ganglamedo.

  • Shopping bonanza in Tibet
    Shopping bonanza in Tibet 2015-06-23 | From:

    Tibet is full of shopping treasures that are absolutely unique and spectacular, so just bring your pocket full. Not to repent later.

  • A bite of Nyingchi
    A bite of Nyingchi 2014-06-23 | From:

    Known as "the Switzerland of Tibet", southeast Tibet's Nyingchi Prefecture is rich in various fresh catering ingredients, as well as delicious cuisines.
