Doctors warn visitors to Tibet against temperature difference

2016-05-11 14:02:13 | From:China Tibet Online

As the weather is getting warm, tourism in Tibet is gradually booming. Although the oxygen content in summer is higher than that in winter in Tibet, it is still inadequate when compared with that in the inland. Moreover, the climate there is relatively dry and the temperature difference between day and night is very large. All these factors may exacerbate the degree of discomfort of visitors to the plateau.

Doctors remind tourists in Tibet to pay attention to the following matters to relieve themselves from the possible discomfort.    

Tourists should check their heart and lung functions before visiting Tibet. Patients are not advised to go on the plateau. Appropriate aerobic exercises in advance are necessary to maintain good health. Common drugs such as coldrex, and berberine and norfloxacin to cure gastroenteritis should be prepared, in addition to enough clothes for different seasons. One should make appropriate changes in dressing due to the big temperature difference between day and night to void cold-induced high altitude diseases.  

In the first few days on the plateau, visitors shouldn’t walk rapidly or run but try to avoid undue fatigue. It is not advisable to bath frequently for this might cause a cold. Visitors should eat more easily digestible food containing sugar to provide more energy to the body, and drink enough water since it is very dry in Tibet.  

Without portable oxygen equipment and anti-anoxia medicines, visitors shouldn’t rush into the areas with an altitude of over 5,000 meters because one might suffer acute high altitude pulmonary edema. It is recommended to take some American ginseng, Herba Rhodiolae and Danshen Pill and so on to alleviate altitude sickness.                                    

Doctors advise those with epilepsy, heart disease and weak endocrine system of liver and kidney, obese people and pregnant women not to visit the plateau. In addition, some common symptoms of altitude sickness such as nausea, vomiting and headache will have spontaneous remission. Visitors to Tibet for the first time needn’t be too nervous. 

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