Spring arrives in Batang

2017-03-19 09:53:07 | From:China Tibet Online

Batang County, located in Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, is inside the dry and hot valley of Jinsha River.

At a relatively high altitude of 2,300 to 4,600 meters, it enjoys a subtropical climate with plenty of sunlight and great temperature differences between day and night.

With good ecological environment and lack of pollution, Batang is reputed as “Land of Fruit.” When spring arrives, every living thing goes green. Here, we can experience the beauty of Batang through photos.

A campground on the national road 318 in Batang County, southwest China’s Sichuan Province.

The Batang Xianzi, a Tibetan instrument with two strings.

A street in Batang County, southwest China’s Sichuan Province.

The border of southwest China’s Sichuan and Tibet.

A post on the Sichuan-Tibet route.

The Zhubalong ferry at Jinsha River in Batang County, southwest China’s Sichuan Province.

Ritual religious dancing during Tibetan New Year at the Kangning Temple.

A young girl is doing homework on the meadow.

 Grandmother and her grandson.

Stone sculptures at Yinggezui, Batang County, southwest China’s Sichuan Province.

The relic of former Yidun County government.

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