Third Member Congress of CAPDTC held in Beijing

2016-11-28 11:28:39 | From:China Tibet Online

The Third Member Congress of China Association for Preservation and Development of Tibetan Culture (CAPDTC) was held on November 23th in Beijing.  

Pagbalha Geleg Namgyae, vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, and president of CAPDTC, sent a congratulatory letter. 

He reviews the association's work in preserving and developing of Tibetan culture since its establishment, affirms the members' work and remarkable achievements and expresses thanks to those people who are concerned about Tibet and love Tibetan culture.                 

He calls on the new executive council to increasingly strengthen the association's cohesion and influence, attract more people to support and take part in the research work of Tibetan culture, continuously enrich, develop and carry forward Tibetan excellent culture as well as endow the spirit of the times and make contribution for  the treasure house of Chinese nation and world cultures.             

Zhang Yijiong, deputy president and secretary-general of the association delivered the work report on behalf of the second executive council. He states since its establishment, the second executive council have given full play to the unique advantages, telling "Tibetan story" to the international community and demonstrating the distinctive charm of Tibetan culture, engaged actively in projects cooperation, pushing forward the undertaking of Tibetan culture's preservation and development, strived for building platforms and promoting the vigorous development of Tibetology study, and gathered civil resources so as to do practical things and work for the benefits for people in Tibetan-inhabited areas.   

He advices the third executive council to be closely around the core task of serving for Tibet work, take full advantages as the NGO, the strong talent pool and extensive contacts, and enhance the association's  influence at home and abroad so as to make the real Tibet understood by more and more people.  

Over 200 delegates attend the congress, including people from academic circles, literature and art circles, Tibetans compatriots home and abroad, and religious people. 

CAPDTC, since its establishment in 2004, has held China Tibet Culture Forums, free medical activities for public welfare, a series of arts exhibitions of Tibet-themes and has engaged in international exchange activities, organized ethnic song and dance troupes selected from Tibetan-inhabited areas to perform in 31 countries, including Switzerland, Nepal.   

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