Nepalese Thangka art exhibition held in Beijing

2016-10-27 17:13:13 | From:China Tibet Online

The Newar Thangka Art Exhibition recently opened at the Beijing 798 Cultural and Artistic Center. This exhibition is a folk culture and art exchange between China and Nepal, which has enriched the spiritual and cultural lives of the people in the capital. “Youth Voices Live Room” has provided live coverage of the whole opening of the exhibition.

The above is the oil painting “Amoghasiddhi”.

It is reported that there are more than 30 pieces of precious Thangka paintings,  huge oil paintings of Buddhist art, metal sculptures and other Newar art, providing the audience with a feast for their eyes. The exhibition will last until 31 October.

The above is a photo of the Thangka “Vajrasattva”.

The Newar Thangka Art Forum will be held during the exhibition. Chinese and foreign experts will hold an in-depth discussion on Thangka’s history, culture, art concepts, far-reaching impact and other areas. It is hoped that this exhibition and forum will provide more opportunities for exchange between Chinese and Nepalese experts and scholars.

The above is a photo of the Thangka “Padmapani”.

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