Spotlight: Legendary Cuban leader Fidel Castro passes away at 90

2016-11-29 11:05:52 | From:

File photo taken on April 11, 2013 shows Fidel Castro attending the inauguration of a school in Havana. Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro has died at 90, local media said on Nov. 26, 2016. (Xinhua/Cubadebate)

by Xinhua writers Mao Pengfei and Ma Guihua

HAVANA, Nov. 26 (Xinhua) -- Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro died late Friday at the age of 90.

"With deep sorrow, I report to the Cuban people that our beloved leader Fidel Castro passed away at 10:29 pm on Friday (0329 GMT Saturday)," Cuban President Raul Castro said in a statement broadcast on Radio Reloj.

His body will be cremated according to his will. The organizing committee for his funeral will give more details of the mourning.

Castro had led Cuba for nearly half a century before stepping down in 2006 for health reasons. He was succeeded by Raul Castro.

Fidel Castro spent the last years of his life largely out of the public eye, writing editorials on world affairs for Cuba's official Granma daily, and receiving dignitaries at his home in Havana.

The last such meeting was with Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang on Nov. 15.

Castro's death has shocked Cuban people and the sorrow can be felt on the streets in Havana, where people went out to mourn the revolution leader.

David Matinez, 19, was with friends at the renowned Presidents Avenue in central Havana early Saturday morning. He said he heard the news from a policeman, who asked him and his friends to tune down the music in a gesture of respect.

"This is shocking news. Although Fidel is 90 years old, it still comes as a surprise to everyone. Fidel has always been a father figure to all Cubans. There would be nothing that we have now without him."

Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto lamented the death of Castro, calling him "a friend of Mexico ... and a promoter of bilateral relationship based on respect, dialogue and solidarity."

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has sent solidarity and love to the Cuban people via Twitter.

Castro was born on Aug. 13, 1926 in Biran, a village in Holguin Province, as the son of Spanish immigrant Angel Castro and Cuban farmer Lina Ruz.

He became well-known worldwide after he led the 1959 Cuban revolution that overthrew Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista.

Almost immediately, the United States moved to topple Castro, fearing the socialist revolution would inspire the rest of Latin America.

Washington attacked Cuba on many fronts, including economically and financially, by imposing a trade embargo in February 1962 that continues to this day.

Castro's courage and wisdom are believed to have inspired a new generation of political leaders in Latin America, such as in Bolivia, Venezuela and Ecuador.

His legacy and vision can also be seen in Cuba's universal healthcare and education system, as well as its cutting-edge biotechnology and a pharmaceutical industry that rivals that of developed countries.

In 2014, Cuba was widely credited for being at the forefront of the international response to the Ebola crisis in West Africa.


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File photo taken on July 25, 1992 shows Fidel Castro applausing to the Cuban Delegation during the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Barcelona, Spain. Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro died on Nov. 25, 2016 at the age of 90, said his brother Raul, the current leader of Cuba. (Xinhua/Guo Yanmin)


Undated file photo shows Fidel Castro (C) interacting with a journalist and a baseball player in Latinoamericano Stadium in Havana, Cuba. Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro died on Nov. 25, 2016 at the age of 90, said his brother Raul, the current leader of Cuba. (Xinhua)


File photo taken on Aug. 12, 2014 shows people taking photos of a picture of Fidel Castro prior to his 88th birthday in Havana, Cuba. Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro died on Nov. 25, 2016 at the age of 90, said his brother Raul, the current leader of Cuba. (Xinhua/Liu Bin)


File photo taken on April 19, 2016 shows Fidel Castro (L, Front) and Raul Castro (C, Front) attending 7th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, in Havana, Cuba. Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro died on Nov. 25, 2016 at the age of 90, said his brother Raul, the current leader of Cuba. (Xinhua/Cubadebate)


File photo taken on July 26, 2003 shows Fidel Castro giving speech during a rally at the site of Moncada barracks in Santiago, Cuba. Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro died on Nov. 25, 2016 at the age of 90, said his brother Raul, the current leader of Cuba. (Xinhua/Zhao Kai)


File photo taken on Feb. 16, 1959 shows Fidel Castro signing the paper as he take over as prime minister in Havana, Cuba. Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro died on Nov. 25, 2016 at the age of 90, said his brother Raul, the current leader of Cuba. (Xinhua)


File photo taken in 1958 shows Fidel Castro (2nd R), Raul Castro (Front) and Ernesto Che Guevara (2nd L). Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro died on Nov. 25, 2016 at the age of 90, said his brother Raul, the current leader of Cuba. (Xinhua)


File photo taken on April 16, 2001 shows Fidel Castro during a commemorative event. Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro died on Nov. 25, 2016 at the age of 90, said his brother Raul, the current leader of Cuba. (Xinhua)


File photo taken on July 25, 1992 shows Fidel Castro waving to the Cuban Delegation during the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Barcelona, Spain. Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro died on Nov. 25, 2016 at the age of 90, said his brother Raul, the current leader of Cuba. (Xinhua/Guo Yanmin)


File photo taken on July 26, 1991 shows Fidel Castro (R) and Nelson Mandela. Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro died on Nov. 25, 2016 at the age of 90, said his brother Raul, the current leader of Cuba. (Xinhua)


File photo taken in 1959 shows Fidel Castro in Washington D.C., the United States. Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro died on Nov. 25, 2016 at the age of 90, said his brother Raul, the current leader of Cuba. (Xinhua)


File photo taken on Feb. 10, 2012 shows Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro in Havana, Cuba. Fidel Castro died at 90, Cuban media said on Nov. 26, 2016. (Xinhua/Roberto Chile/Cubadebate)


File photo taken on May 25, 2003 shows Fidel Castro attending the inauguration of Argentine President Nestor Kirchner in Buenos Aires. Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro died at 90, Cuban media said on Nov. 26, 2016. (Xinhua/Li Qihua)


File photo taken on Feb. 10, 2012 shows Fidel Castro attending a meeting in Havana. Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro has died at 90, local media said on Nov. 26, 2016. (Xinhua/Alex Castro/Cubadebate)


Photo taken on Nov. 26, 2016 shows a view of an empty street after the announcement of former Cuban President Fidel Castro's death, in Havana, capital of Cuba. Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro died late Friday at the age of 90, said his brother Raul, the current leader of Cuba. (Xinhua/Joaquin Hernandez)


Photo taken on Nov. 26, 2016 shows a view of an empty street after the announcement of Former Cuban President Fidel Castro's death, in Havana, capital of Cuba. Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro died late Friday at the age of 90, said his brother Raul, the current leader of Cuba. (Xinhua/Joaquin Hernandez)


People take a walk on a street in Havana, capital of Cuba, on Nov. 26, 2016. Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro died late Friday at the age of 90, said his brother Raul, the current leader of Cuba. (Xinhua/Joaquin Hernandez)

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