French writer exposes US media's deceitful propaganda on Tibet

2014-01-27 14:19:00 | From:

Maxime Viva
Maxime Viva.[Photo/]

Maxime Viva, a French author of "Not So 'Zen': The Hidden Side Of The Dalai Lama" recently published an announcement against US media's deceitful propaganda on Tibet that an US online petition website AVAAZ recently raised a vote saying Tibetans risked being beaten or shot if they refused to fly the Chinese flag, reported by

In the announcement, Mr. Viva said, the aim of petition was only to trigger a conflict and China will never separate Tibet Autonomous Region from the country.

It wrote, the US article was based on unreal reports and pure lies and described "Tibet is a depressed area". Mr. Viva said, as an atheist, he had been to Tibet, and he was surprised to see Tibetan Buddhist temples and monks everywhere in Tibet, while the western counties did not tolerate so many priests.

The petition said Tibet was faced with China's violent control, which is the proof that the petitioners were proclaiming "Tibet's independence", said Mr. Viva.

"Did these petitioners just approve Tibet exist as an independence country? How could they call for uniting to save the Tibetan people? I found out that Tibet people have never been as rich and populous as present", said Mr. Viva.

Petition said China's ongoing policies suppressed the Tibetan language. According to Mr. Viva, it is absolutely a lie. Tibetan language has been widely used in teaching, writing and conversation in Tibet.

The petition is a fraud and a bad behavior, aiming for political tricks only, Mr. Viva said lastly.

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