• Take off "tinted glasses" to see China 2015-12-04 | From:

    a suggestion is recommended to the biased groups that it is time to take off the "tinted glasses" and put away the double standards, and to respect China and the Chinese people with justice and fairness.

  • Fresh meeting style prevails in Tibetan annual sessions 2015-12-04 | From:

    No flowers,no flower terraces,no inspections or evening performances, all the deputies, committee members and staff have buffet in the hotels,a frugal practice has brought positive energy to Tibetan annual sessions.

  • Tibetans-in-exile’s trouble and upper Dalai Group’s privilege 2015-12-04 | From:

    Surveys confirm that the vast majority of Tibetans in India and Nepal live at the poverty line.With a great many of the senior leaders of the Dalai Group having foreign citizenship, the Tibetans-in-exile have lost hope with only an RC.

  • Tibetan political advisors ask believers to cherish life 2015-12-04 | From:

    Political advisors in southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region have called on religious believers to respect and cherish life in response to recent self-immolations committed by Buddhists.

  • Exposing myth of "Tibetan heroes" 2015-12-04 | From:

    It is one of several recent cases in which Tibetan self-immolations have left behind little more than harrowing grief, and mistruths in foreign media about the victims' supposed heroism.

  • New benefits for Tibetans in 2012: official report 2015-12-04 | From:

    People’s livelihood has become a hot topic during the ongoing first session of the 10th Tibet People's Political Consultative Conference held in Lhasa on Jan. 22, 2013.

  • Self-immolator(End): Scheme behind the scenes 2015-12-04 | From:

    An ordinary Tibetan young man, a young lama practicing Buddhism, who nearly set himself on fire, was about to be abandoned by the instigators. What role does the "Tibet government-in-exile" play in this case? What are the lies and the truth behind the flames?

  • Self-immolation is a violent act: religion researchers 2015-12-04 | From:

    The scene of a burning body walking on the street looks horrible to many people though, self-immolation is regarded as the highest form of non-violence by some saying that it is simply killing oneself for the "great course of Tibet independence".
