Netizen outrages over manipulator behind flames

2015-12-04 14:45:45 | From:

A YouTube video titled "Kill Yourself for the Dalai Lama", recently released by an independent US journalist who writes news and commentary from a Marxist perspective, condemned that the Dalai Lama's played a political trick in disguise of Buddhism, and unveiled the truth behind self-immolations in China’s Tibetan areas.

The video has triggered an online debate among netizens. One netizen named OrientalStyles expressed his argument in a detailed and logical way, which fully illustrated the criminal acts of the Dalai clique instigating self-immolations.

OrientalStyles pointed out that "the Dalai Lama himself is a terrorist in disguise of a religious leader who violates the Buddhist doctrines and is good at talking black into white."

The followings are his arguments in full display.

"The Dalai's clique's claim that all the Tibetan areas were burning up is untrue. There are 3542 Tibetan Buddhist temples in China, which accommodate over 140000 monks and nuns. Most temples and monks are not interested in self-immolation, instead, they condemned it, these monks were brainwashed, locked in temples and lack of basic modern education. The reason for these tragedies is that the Dalai Lama wants to transform the Tibetan Buddhism into a religion of suicide to serve his own political purposes.

What's even worse is that in the articles published by the "Dalai Lama Tibet Religious Foundation" in Taiwan, the self-immolations were regarded as "Buddha practice", and they declared that those who burned themselves to death would be reincarnated into Buddha immediately. They forgot that Tibetan Buddhism is a religion of compassion, which values life.

As it was reported, continuous self-immolation incidents occurred. The Dalai clique dubbed the monks and nuns who burned themselves as "heroes" and "fighters", expressed their admiration, suggested to "award" them, and wanted to erect monuments for them. The Dalai Lama even held a religious ceremony and led a fasting in Dharamsala. He praised those victims for their "courage" and encourages more people to go down toward this dead end.

Cases of self-immolations in China were plotted by the Dalai clique in advance.

The first self-immolation happened on March 16, and the monk who burned himself to death was only 19 years old. The other three monks who instigated him were arrested. They confessed in court that they had been incited by the separatist forces. When the self-immolation happened, they not only stood aside but also prevented others from helpingthe injured. They filmed the self-immolation, and sent it to Dharamsala quickly.

Dalai Lama is the one sitting behind the bloody killings and self-immolations.

Self immolation is an act of suicide. I didn't saw Tibetans emulating Chinese people or kill Chinese people. It's more the opposite.

The Tibetan separatists have been killing Chinese people for decades trained by their CIA master. At the 2008 march riot, there were plenty of killings of Chinese and Muslims by Tibetan separatists caught on TV footage. The killings are exposing what a fraud Dalai is. So now he is getting Tibetans to kill themselves, and this is desperate.

Regarding to this, people who follow Dalai are encouraged by the Free Tibet movements to commit suicide, which is wrong.

Chinese people are happy to enjoy the prosperity their government has worked hard to provide for them despite the Dalai clique’s demonizing Chinese government.

As far as I know, Tibetans do enjoy equal opportunities to go abroad as people in the rest of China when using the legal methods. I have personally met Tibetan-Chinese overseas students in western countries.

The Chinese government has been doing much good for the people of its country and of this world. The Chinese cops behaved much better compared with the US counterpart at last year's Occupy Wall Street movement. Also the Free Tibet's attitude towards the self-immolators confirmed my disapproval of their cause.

"Tibet submitted its sovereignty to the Emperor of Yuan Dynasty, and throughout Yuan, Ming, Qing Dynasties, the central government had always had direct control over Tibet by directly appointing the ruling parties in Tibet."

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