'Extinction of Tibetan culture': absoluate fallacy 2011-05-10 | From:
Given the history of all cultures around the world, there has never been a simplex culture of any ethnic group, as culture is constantly enriched and developed in the course of mutual communications. It is universally known that culture is defined by masses of ethnic gr...
On 14th Dalai Lama's view of 'political reform' 2011-04-26 | From:
It was 50 years later after he escaped to India when the Dalai Lama brought up the so-called idea of "reform", and took it as an excuse to coerce China to carry on a "political reform". As a "religious leader", is it appropriate for the Dalai Lama to talk so much about ...
What is Tibet's problem? 2011-04-19 | From:
In March, 2011, the 14th Dalai Lama repeated the so-called "Tibet Issue", just as he does annually. We would like to analyze one of his statements such as: are there any "issues" in Tibet?
Spanish High Court's Acceptance of Tibet as 'Occupied Country' Groundless 2011-04-11 | From:
The Spanish High Court made a wrong ruling as it is so ignorant about the history of Tibet since 1950. It is also contemptuous of China's sovereignty and international law. And it has once again provoked the issue of "Tibet Independence".
Who made the 'Tibet Issue' complicated? 2011-04-06 | From:
Recently, the 14th Dalai Lama openly claimed that "Tibet Issue" has become more complex due to the Chinese government's policies, but it turns out to be another lie of the Dalai Lama. First, let's take a look back, and see how the Dalai Lama and his separatist follwers ...
Will Dalai Lama really retire? 2011-04-02 | From:
As a matter of fact, the 14th Dalai Lama has issued his statement about "retirement" many times, but failed to keep his promise again and again, which indicates that he is unwilling to retreat from his post as a political manipulator at all.
Why 14th Dalai Lama wants to "retire"? 2011-04-02 | From:
It is obvious that the Dalai Lama's "retirement" is merely a farce to protect him when he realized the situation was against him. In this way, he can not only win "consistent support" from his followers but also help his followers to avoid being marginalized in the worl...
U.S. report appreciates Tibet's forestation achievements 2011-04-02 | From:
"Along the way we observed several large-scale forestation projects to control erosion and prevent desertification," stated an American report on Tibet issues in March, 2011.