Why does Dalai Lama appoint Nicholas Vreeland head of Rato Monastery? 2012-07-06 | From:
July 7, 2012 will never be a common day for Nicholas Vreeland, director of "The Tibet Center" in New York, for he will take up his post as abbot of the Rato Monastery in India, one of the most important monasteries of the Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism. That day coincid...
Birthday celebrations can't cover Dalai Lama's loss 2012-07-06 | From:
It is just before his 77-year-old birthday that Western politicians upset Dalai Lama once again. What a sad thing for him!
Commentary: Regional Ethnic Autonomy vs "Greater Tibet Region" 2012-06-29 | From:
The Regional Ethnic Autonomy is a basic national policy of China on ethnic issues. However,the Dalai Lama frequently criticized it and claimed that
"in the current system, Tibetans do not have real autonomy" and proposed his "high-degree autonomy". -
Dalai Lama blocks channel for contacts and talks again 2012-06-25 | From:
On June 3, the Dalai clique's "government-in-exile" released a statement, saying that "Kalon Tripa Dr. Lobsang Sangay, Head of the Central Tibetan Administration, regretfully accepted the resignations of Special Envoy of His Holiness the Dalai Lama Lodi G. Gyari and Env...
Nation-state: does it fit in Tibet? 2012-06-21 | From:
The "Tibet independence" is a buzzword in the world today. Despite the rhetoric spread around by some monk, it is deeply rooted in the nation-state concept prevalent in the European countries during the 19th century.
Time to wake up from dreamland Tibet 2012-05-25 | From:
Chinese scholars find that the Western view on Tibet is, in fact originated from Orientalism of the European missionaries, explorers and philosophers. However, a real Tibet is not what they have perceived. It is time for Westerners to wake up from their dream.
Hidden intent of Cameron's meeting with Dalai Lama 2012-05-21 | From:
It is already not a secret that the British people are not satisfied with the government due to the economic crisis. The British government expected to use the Dalai Lama as a tool to make a diversion.
The Dalai Lama and Rebiya Kadeer co-star in farce 2012-05-22 | From:
Leaders of the two separatist groups recently have staged an anti-China farce on two islands of Eurasia. The Dalai Lama of the "Tibet independence" met with British Prime Minister David Cameron "privately"; Rebiya Kadeer of the "Eastern Turkistan" organized meetings in ...