Tibet starts preparations for joining Belt and Road forum

2017-03-24 09:54:21 | From:China Tibet Online

Recently, the Tibet Autonomous Region government held a special meeting to discuss preparatory work for the Belt and Road forum for international cooperation to be held on May 14.

The meeting pointed out that attending the Belt and Road forum is of great significance to the TAR in deepening integration into the Belt and Road initiative, comprehensively opening up to the outside world, building a major channel with South Asia and establishing a new open economy system. Although there has been some progress with the TAR’s involvement in the Belt and Road initiative, there is still a definite gap in overall effectiveness compared with other provinces.

The meeting stressed that it is essential to actively promote TAR’s integration into the Belt and Road initiative and to further its opening up to the outside world. Through deeper integration, Tibet will strengthen its cooperation with Nepal and other neighboring countries. 

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