Premier Li joins panel discussion of NPC deputies from Tibet

2017-03-08 11:05:14 | From:China Tibet Online

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has joined a panel discussion of deputies from Tibet Autonomous Region at the annual session of the National People's Congress in Beijing, capital of China, March 7, 2017. Premier Li said, Zanba is a kind of staple food for Tibetan people. It is made from barley flour and butter stirred and kneaded in to dough. Unity between all ethnic groups should be like Zanba doughs, with different groups getting along well with each other.[Photo/]

Premier Li sent New Year wishes to the deputies present and people of all ethnic groups on the Plateau by saying "Tashi Delek".[Photo/]

Premier Li said, economic development is for improving livelihood. The task of improving people's livelihood is more urgent in Tibet due to its harsh natural environment. Therefore, Tibet should intensify its effort in economic development so that its people enjoy a better life and a promising future.[Photo/]

Premier Li urged that all related departments of State Council should give timely responses to suggestions from all the deputies.[Photo/]


Premier Li said Tibet is roof of the world and has a special place in the country's stability and overall development. It is an important ecological protective screen. So, it should be made a priority in China's overall development plan. [Photo/]

Premier Li stressed that further endeavors should be made to promote Tibet's stability and development to ensure people's better livelihood.[Photo/]


Premier Li expressed gratitude to all cadres working on the Plateau on behalf of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council.[Photo/]

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