Tibet delivers the spirit of key meeting of the CPC Central Committee

2016-11-01 14:52:07 | From:China Tibet Online

The Sixth Plenary Session of 18th CPC Central Committee was held from October 24th – 27th in Beijing. On October 28th, Wu Yingjie, Party secretary of Tibet Autonomous Region, presided over a meeting to deliver the spirit of key meeting of the CPC Central Committee.   

The meeting calls for unit closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and urges to put the various decisions and deployments of the CPC Central Committee in practice.                          

The meeting indicated to hold the significance of comprehensively strictly govern the Party, strengthening and regulating the norms of political life within the Party under the new situation, ensuring the basic demands of the regulation on intra-Party supervision, assuring Party leaders, especially the senior Party leaders as the key point of serious political life within the Party and reinforcing regulation on intra-Party supervision, keep thoughts and acts in line with the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session, and together build a clean and righteous political ecology.  

The meeting underscored the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core are very concerned issues about Tibet Autonomous Region and its people of all ethnical groups, propose the important strategic thought "governing border areas is the key for governing a country, and stabilizing Tibet is a priority for governing border areas," and make important instruction that enhancing ethnic unity, building a beautiful Tibet”, explicit the important principles of governing Tibet according to law, enriching people and prospering Tibet, building Tibet in a long term, increasing the cohesion and consolidating the basic, and point out the directions for the reform, development, stability and other works of Tibet Autonomous Region.               

Even though Tibet is at high altitude with extreme temperatures, a lack of oxygen, and harsh natural conditions, as well as the main battlefield for anti-separatist battles, there is no particularity in the treatment of Tibet with regards to the construction of a clean and honest party and anti-corruption work. Tibet will conduct anti-separatist work while build a clean and honest party and fight against corruption. 

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