Direct flights between Kunming and Nyingchi open

2016-07-08 11:40:40 |


Direct flights between Kunming and Nyingchi opened on July 7. This is the second flight between Yunnan Province and Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) after Lhasa-Kunming line.

Before, travelling from Kunming to Nyingchi cost two days, as passengers needed to stop in Chengdu for the flight to Nyingchi. However, the new Nyingchi-Kunming line ends the history and shortens the travel time from 36 hours to 2 hours, which will greatly promote tourism and improve travel efficiency between the two cities.

The new daily Nyingchi-Kunming line is launched by Tibet Airlines. Flight TV9903/04 takes off at 7:50 a.m. from Kunming and arrives at Nyingchi Airport at 10:05 a.m. while the outbound plane from Nyingchi Airport takes off at 11:15 a.m. and arrives at Kunming Airport at 1:15 p.m., with a flight time of about 2 hours. Aircraft A319 with 128 seats is applied in the line.

An official of Yunnan Airport Group said, Nyingchi-Kunming line could consummate air transport network, drive economic, trade and cultural exchanges, as well as promote tourism and economy of Yunnan and TAR.

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