Drama unfolds grand beauty of snow plateau

2015-10-31 10:22:00 | From:

Drama unfolds grand beauty of snow plateau

The large-scale song and dance drama Charming Tibet was staged at Shanghai Culture Square, xinmin.cn reported.

The drama was created by the Tibet Song and Dance Troupe five years ago. But in the past five years, it has undergone modification for five times. The ultimate version of this drama is composed of five parts, including "Sunny snow plateau", "Return to the plateau in dream", "Intoxicating Yarlung Zangbo River", "immense forest in the moonlight" and "Expression of good wishes with Hada", gathering the most representative song and dance works in various areas of Tibet.

Tibetan opera is usually performed by male actors, but in this drama, actresses were disguised as men to give the performance. Among the 95 cast members, local Tibetan performers account for 98 percent.

Drama unfolds grand beauty of snow plateau

Drama unfolds grand beauty of snow plateau

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