Travel tips: How to choose right Tibet travel agency

2013-07-29 09:41:00 | From:

An undated photo shows foreigners walking on one of the must-visit places, the Barkort Street in Lhasa, capital of Tibet. [China Tibet Online]

An undated photo shows foreigners walking on one of the must-visit places, the Barkor Street in Lhasa, capital of Tibet. [China Tibet Online]

Anyone planning a tour of Tibet knows that there are countless Tibet travel agencies. When choosing a Tibet travel agency it is easy to become overwhelmed by the options.

A simple Google search yields thousands upon thousands of agencies, leaving travelers to differentiate the quality tour providers from those with questionable track records. Unlike other tourist destination, popular travel review websites lack the number of honest and objective reviews of tour providers needed to make an informed travel decision. Keeping in mind a few simple guidelines can help travelers sort through the myriad of options. 

       1. Successful travelers often start conversations with several agencies and follow up with the ones most prepared to meet their travel needs. How the agency responds to travelers' initial inquiry and subsequent follow-ups is often indicative of the quality of service they will receive on their tour. 

       2. Make sure the travel agency is capable of meeting the group's needs, interests, and budget. If the group is interested in trekking, does the travel agency advertise trekking tours on their website? Maybe the price the agency initially quoted is outside the group's budget; can the Tibet tour agency do anything to help cut costs?

       3. Additionally, does the travel agency protect travelers' privacy and offer trustworthy payment terms? For travelers booking in advance most agencies will request a deposit be paid up front. This amount may vary depending on how much time there is between booking and the tour date. Many travel agencies accept deposits via Paypal then allow the remaining balance to be paid upon arrival in Lhasa.

Choosing the correct Tibet tour agent can make the difference between being frustrated by a lackluster experience or walking away awe-struck by Tibet's natural beauty and fascinating culture.

Even though the sheer number of options and lack of objective reviews can at first be overwhelming, customer service is the top indicator of the quality of tours the agency may provide. Be sure that the agency is prepared to meet your travler needs and offers trustworthy payment terms.

Visiting Tibet is one of the most rewarding travel experiences, and with the Tibet travel season in full swing, now is the time to start planning.

(The article was published by the PRWeb on July 221, 2013. The editor has minor modifies to make it better understood. For the original version on PRWeb visit:

Editor: Mirenda Wu 

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