Photo: Himalaya marmot eaten by wild dogs in N Tibet

2014-07-02 14:11:00 | From:

Photos record an animal fight in the no man's land in north Tibet between a group of wild dogs and a marmot, which was finally eaten after several rounds.

Marmot, a small rodent with fur and short legs with the average body length of 50 centimeters, mainly lives in alpine meadow at an altitude of 2,500 meters to 4,000 meters.

Duel between a Himalaya marmot and wild dogs in N Tibet

A Himalaya marmot is fighting against a wild dog in the no man's land in North Tibet.[Photo/Xinhua]

Duel between a Himalaya marmot and wild dogs in N Tibet

A Himalaya marmot is fighting against a wild dog in the no man's land in North Tibet.[Photo/Xinhua]

Duel between a Himalaya marmot and wild dogs in N Tibet

A Himalaya marmot is fighting against a wild dog in the no man's land in North Tibet.[Photo/Xinhua]

Duel between a Himalaya marmot and wild dogs in N Tibet

A Himalaya marmot is fighting against a wild dog in the no man's land in North Tibet.[Photo/Xinhua]

Duel between a Himalaya marmot and wild dogs in N Tibet

After several rounds of fight with wild dogs, a Marmot was eaten in the no man's land in North Tibet.[Photo/Xinhua]

Duel between a Himalaya marmot and wild dogs in N Tibet

After several rounds of fight with wild dogs, a Marmot was eaten in the no man's land in North Tibet.[Photo/Xinhua]

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