Cadre sows seed of love on snow plateau

2014-06-04 15:21:00 | From:

Editor's note: upon the 20th anniversary of aiding Tibet, China Tibet Online tells the stories of those aid-Tibet cadres, who devote their life to Tibet's construction and development. They work hard without complaint and formed strong relationships with local residents.

Zhou Guangzhi is an aid-Tibet cadre who dedicates his life to Tibet’s economic progress and well-being of local residents.

Born in Xinghua City in middle Jiangsu Province in 1965, he was admitted to the Communist Party of China (CPC) at the age of 22. He voluntarily applied to aid Tibet in 2007 when he served as the deputy director general of the Safety Supervision Bureau of Taizhou City.

Chushur, a place urgent for economic development

Appointed as the party secretary of Chushur County, Lhasa of Tibet, he was shocked when he went there, for the county is such a less developed region with only 350 thousand people and the annual fiscal revenue of 8.5 million yuan (1.4 million US dollars).

"I used to work in eastern developed region, where annual fiscal revenue reaches at least 1,000 million yuan. I realized the urgency to develop economy in Churshur as soon as I went there," Zhou said.

Despite strong altitude reaction, he flung himself into various surveys of the region the day after his arrival, including visiting local residents, listening to reports, and convening brainstorming sessions.

He finally figured out a way to develop Chushur, which is to spread the scientific method of greenhouse planting.

Lots of local farmers and herdsmen who planted cash crops in their greenhouses got rich thanks to the technical assistance and policy support from the government.

Besides greenhouse planting, Zhou also suggested to develop industrial districts of larger scale. Definitely speaking, the Green Agrotechny Industrial District and Nyethang Industrial District would be merged into one large district, the Yarlung Tsangpo Industrial District, which covers 2.4 square kilometers and is more convenient for investment attraction and unified management.

Chushur County finally saw significant economic growth over years of effort. In 2010, the local Per Capita GDP reached 13,023 yuan, and the total industrial output value achieved 420 million yuan; meanwhile, the annual fiscal revenue reached 22.74 million yuan, all of which doubled that in 2006.

Love for local residents

In addition to developing economy it was equally important for him to care about local residents’ well-being.

Zhou helped five poor families to build new houses, find jobs as well as provide food aid.

When his term of office ran out in 2010, he chose to stay in Tibet because of the care for local residents and economic development, keeping sowing seed of love on snow plateau.

Nationwide studies of Zhou Guangzhi have been carried out in recent years. It is worth learning his belief to dedicate life to border areas development, his spirit to bear hardships, as well as his love for local residents.

Kong Fansen: cadre devoting life in Tibet

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