Tibetan agricultural products displayed at domestic trade fair

2013-12-10 11:04:00 | From:

WUHAN, Hubei, Dec. 9 (China Tibet Online) More than 100 kinds of Tibetan agricultural products were displayed recently at the 11th China International Agricultural Products Trade Fair held in the Wuhan International Expo Center, Hubei Province.

All the green, harmless and organic products from 15 enterprises in Tibet fell into 13 categories, such as highland barley products, yak meat, milchigs, organic tea from the plateau, wine and minor grain crops. They were presented via picture, text and video, according to Tibet Agriculture and Animal husbandry Department.

Products from Tibet attracted a lot of purchasers and dealers on the opening day.

The China International Agricultural Products Trade Fair, the only grand and comprehensive gathering held by Ministry of Agriculture, has been held successfully for 10 sessions since 2003. It has become the most authoritative and influential exhibition on the largest scale in agricultural field of China at present.

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