Tibetan school bus to gain right of road

2012-12-17 09:35:00 | From:

From Jan.1, 2013, the school bus in Tibet will gain the right of the road according to the motor vehicle driver's license application and use regulations.

Under the regulations on the management of driving licenses, which will take effect on Jan.1, 2013, failure to give road priority to the school bus will result in six penalty points.

China's Regulation on School Bus Safety Management was published and went into effect on April 5, 2012, which introduced the concept of "school bus" and required the traffic regulations being revised.

At present, there are about 260,000 motor vehicles in Tibet, and the number of registered cars everyday reaches around 100 in Lhasa, according to Sonam, vice division marshal of the traffic police corps of Tibet public security department.

Sonam said that the safety of school bus matters to all students, therefore the safety inspections and routine supervision on school bus operations have a more strict safety technical standard.

All the school buses in Tibet should be inspected every half a year.

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