190,000 tourists travel Tibet in first 5 days of holiday

2009-10-09 07:58:00 | From:

Tibet received domestic and foreign tourists in the first five days of the 8-day National Day holiday, which started on Oct. 1, 13 per cent higher year-on-year.

Oct.5 alone reported 42,000, bringing a tourism revenue of 16.59 million yuan, a new high in history.

Many people started their travel after the Mid Autumn Day, which happens to fall on Oct. 3 this year, so the peak travel time came a bit late than pervious years, according to staff of Tibet Tourism Bureau.

Compared with 2008, the tourist number saw a drop during the first two days of the holiday, but began to rise sharply since Oct.3.

The total tourism revenue came to 73.91 million yuan in the first five days.

Statistics from Tibet Tourism Bureau indicates the majority of domestic visitors come from the midwest and southwest mainland cities of China while people from Japan, America and Germany dominate over the oversea ones.

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