Pusum carving

2016-06-24 09:10:31 | From:China Tibet Online

[Photo/ Tibet.cn]

Pusum carving, Tibetan incense and Tibetan paper are known as the "three treasures of Nyemo County". Carving has a long history in Pusum village thus Pusong is regarded as "a village of carving". Pusum carving was listed as an item in the provincial level intangible cultural heritage. It is also an ancient art passed down from generation to generation.

[Photo/ Tibet.cn]

The procedure of Pusum carving is very complicated and time-consuming, for example, carving a Buddhist sutra would involve 9 steps, a Buddha statue 15 steps or even 20 to 30 steps for a more complicated work. The carving knifes used are also specially-made, and every engraver has his own set of knifes which usually includes 20 knifes.

[Photo/ Tibet.cn]

By combining traditional folk carving art with modern carving art, the engravers not only carve characters alone but also carve them with pictures, and these works have been used for printing Buddhist sutras and prayer flags and making souvenirs, which has become popular among local people as well as amongst tourists.

[Photo/ Tibet.cn]

Pusum carving is on its way to becoming an important industry with local characteristics and an important source of income for local people.


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