Xiongan New Area to "reasonably arrange" business relocation

2017-04-13 14:10:03 | From:http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1042261.shtml

The just-announced Xiongan special economic zone will "reasonably arrange" the relocation of businesses already within the zone to ensure economic activity will not be suspended during the construction process, local media reported Thursday.

The zone will try to smooth the process of business relocation amid the construction of new economic parks to ensure production remains uninterrupted and workers are not laid offs, the Hebei Daily reported Thursday, citing a paper issued by the Xiongan Party committee released on Wednesday.

The central government announced on April 1 that it will establish theXiongan New Areain North China's Hebei Province, some 100 kilometers southwest of downtown Beijing.

The new zone is part of an ambitious grand plan to jointly develop Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei to improve the region's economy, environment and public services, and bridge the gap between the capital and the areas surrounding it, the Xinhua News Agency reported.

The government will conduct an investigation into business relocation and seek public opinions on both this issue and future development, according to the paper released by the new zone's Party committee.

Backward and polluting traditional industries will be "transformed," it said, adding that small- and micro-sized businesses will be encouraged to merge and consolidate during the relocation to realize an intensive mass-production model.

In a separate report by the Hebei Daily on Wednesday, the Xiongan New Area said it busted seven suspects involved in illegal farmland occupation, illegal business operations and disturbing public order. They have all been arrested.

The committee has also vowed to crack down on the illegal construction of new homes and the second-hand housing trade, as many speculators have poured into the new zone to purchase property.

Global Times

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