Xi Jinping stresses adherence to 1992 Consensus

2016-11-01 20:19:09 | From:http://english.cri.cn/12394/2016/11/01/4081s943916.htm

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, on Tuesday underscored the importance of adherence to the 1992 Consensus and called for maintaining the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations.

Xi made the remarks while meeting with a delegation led by Hung Hsiu-chu, leader of Taiwan's Kuomintang (KMT) party.

"To ensure national integrity and protect the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation is the common will of all Chinese people," Xi said.

He made a six-point proposal on cross-Strait relations:

- Adhering to the 1992 Consensus, which affirms the one-China principle;

- Resolutely opposing forces supporting "Taiwan independence" and their activities;

- Promoting the integrated social and economic development of cross-Strait societies;

- Working together to carry forward Chinese culture;

- Boosting the well-being of people across the Taiwan Strait;

- Dedicating to realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in concerted efforts.

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