Interconnectivity among focuses of Li Keqiang’s Eurasian visit

2016-10-31 19:59:35 | From:

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang will pay official visits to Kyrgyzstan, Latvia and Russia from Wednesday.

China's foreign ministry says the visit is expected to forge China's relations with the three countries, strengthen cooperation within regional blocs and push forward the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative.

The official visit to Kyrgyzstan will be Li Keqiang's first as Chinese Premier.

Assistant Minister Li Huilai says topics of discussion between Li Keqiang and his Kyrgyz counterpart Sooronbai Jeenbekov will be wideranging.

"The two sides will release a joint communique and sign a set of deals to address cooperation in such areas as trade, manufacturing capacity, agriculture and the protection of intellectual property rights. We believe the visit will inject new momentum into the development of the bilateral ties."

A highlight of his trip to Kyrgyzstan is the 15th Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) prime ministers' meeting in Bishkek.

Li Huilai says the leaders of the bloc will set the direction for the bloc's development over the coming five years.

"Premier Li Keqiang will come up with new initiatives aimed at strengthening cooperation within the organization. A joint communique is to be published following the meeting, reviewing the progress the organization had made during the past year and setting direction for its work in the next stage. Participants will also approve a resolution and a list of measures to enhance cooperation in various areas within the SCO framework between next year and 2021."

This year marks the 15th anniversary of the regional organization.

Li Huilai says the list to be endorsed will include 38 measures, and discussion during the meeting will focus on cooperation in the areas of industrial capacity, trade, innovation and cultural exchange.

The second stop of his visit is Latvia, where the Chinese Premier will attend the Fifth Summit of China and Central and Eastern European Countries.

Assistant Minister, Liu Haixing, says inter-connectivity and cooperation of mutual benefit will dominate the meeting in the city of Riga.

"Leaders will sum up the outcomes in the implementation of the Suzhou Guidelines for Cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries and designate cooperation areas that will gain priority. They will also discuss ways to enhance cooperation in such areas as inter-connectivity, finance, green economy and people-to-people exchanges."

It's also Li Keqiang's first official visit to Lavtia since diplomatic ties were established with China 25 years ago.

Liu Haixing says a slew of agreements with strategic significance will be signed to boost the partnership between the two sides.

Li Keqiang will also attend the 21st China-Russia Prime Ministers' Regular Meeting in St. Petersburg in his Russia tour, at the invitation of Russian Prime Minister, Dmitry Medvedev.

Assistant minister Li Huilai says China hopes to see new progress in bilateral cooperation on some big projects with strategic significance.

"The two premiers will endorse a joint communique following their meeting and set goals for the next phase of bilateral cooperation and designate a batch of strategic projects."

Li Huilai says the discussion will also cover such areas as investment, energy, education and aerospace.

During his time in Russia, Li Keqiang is also expected to hold a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

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