Tibet development forum closes in Lhasa

2016-07-11 06:21:58 | From:http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2016-07/09/c_135499354.htm

LHASA, July 8 (Xinhua) -- The two-day Forum on the Development of Tibet closed on Friday in the regional capital Lhasa, reaching a Lhasa Consensus.

Jiang Jie, vice chairman of Tibet Autonomous Region, said in his closing address that forum participants had provided insightful opinions and shared wisdom on Tibet's development in areas such as infrastructure, tourism and Tibetan medicine.

According to the consensus, Tibet will be developed based on the concepts of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development.

The forum was jointly sponsored by the State Council Information Office and the government of the Tibet Autonomous Region. It was hosted by the government of Lhasa.

More than 130 guests from over 30 countries and regions participated and carried out field visits and exchanges in Lhasa and Shannan.

This was the second Forum on the Development of Tibet, with the first held in 2014.

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