Google Denies Face-off Between AlphaGO and Chinese Chess Player

2016-06-07 19:01:25 | From:

The screenshot of Demis Hassabis' tweet. [Photo:]

Demis Hassabis, Google DeepMind's CEO, has denied that the company's AlphaGo computer will play against 19 year-old Chinese Go player Ke Jie before the end of the year.

Hassabis tweeted on Monday that "contrary to internet rumors, we've not decided yet what to do next with #AlphaGo, once we have, there will be an official announcement here."

Yang Junan, Secretary General of the International Go Federation, was quoted by media reports over the weekend as confirming a match between AlphaGo and Ke Jie.

In March, AlphaGo played against Lee Sedol, a leading South Korean Go player, in a historical face-off.

Lee Sedol lost the game 1-4 to AlphaGo, marking the first time that Artificial Intelligence had beaten a human world champion at the popular chess game.

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