Extra-Curricular Online Teaching Controversy

2016-03-31 15:43:12 | From:http://english.cri.cn/12394/2016/03/31/3521s922570.htm

Wang Yang teaches high school physics online and earns over 10,000 yuan per hour. [Photo: people.cn]

China's educational ministry has said that they are still considering whether to ban teachers in public schools from opening online classes.

An official from the ministry said that online teaching is not covered in current regulations.

However a number of local educational authorities have explicitly stated that online teaching is prohibited for public school teachers.

They are banned from opening paid classes outside curriculum, according to regulations.

The comments came as responses to an earlier media report, saying a teacher can earn over 10,000 yuan an hour through teaching online, a much higher rate than teaching in public schools or other off-line classes.

The report has received wide debate over the legitimacy of online teaching, especially after some public school teachers are found to have opened online classes.

Some worry that with such a high payment, these teachers will shift more focuses on the online teaching.

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